Conference on the Philosophy of Kit Fine
The Philosophy of Kit Fine
January 25-27, 2013
Friday, January 25
2.15 - 2.30: Opening remarks by Paul Boghossian, director of NYIP
2.30 - 4: Gideon Rosen, "What is normative necessity?"
4.30 - 6: Jessica Wilson, "Essence, ground, and part: methodology and application in Kit Fine's schema-based metaphysics"
6 - 7.30: Reception
Saturday, January 26
9.30 - 11 Paul Hovda: "Finean mereology"
11.30 - 1 Philip Percival: "Metaphysics of the first order"
2.30 - 4 Kathrin Koslicki: "Essence and individuation"
4.30 - 6 Rob Goldblatt: "Fine's contributions to model theory for propositional logics"
Sunday, January 27
9.30 - 11 Mircea Dumitru: "Fine on Kripke's puzzle about belief: a relationist approach"
11.30 - 1 Gary Ostertag: "Fine on Kripke's puzzle"
2.30 - 4 Jim Pryor: "The essence and the inevitability of hyper-evaluative semantics"
4.30 - 6 Kit Fine: "Truthmaking"
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Added by NYC-Phil on January 25, 2013