Mozart’s ‘Le Nozze di Figaro’
Category Musicals & Operas
Genres light opera, music
Group Associazione Corale Mutinae Cantores
Venue Pilrig Studio
Date 26 August
Time 17:00
Duration 1 hour
Suitability U
Warnings Performances of this event are also at St Andrew's & St George's West on 24 Aug at 16:30. Click here:
Country of Origin Italy
The italian choir Mutinae Cantores (the Latin for ‘Singers from Modena’) was founded in 1993 as the successor choir of a pre-existing ensemble. They boast a rich repertoire including opera, polyphonic sacred music, spirituals, folk music, and covers of contemporary composers. During the 2011 Fringe Mutinae Cantores will be performing the best known aria from Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro according to the transcription for choir by maestro Paolo Gattolin.
Added by Mutinae Cantores on July 16, 2011