1141 Falls River Ave 110
Raleigh, North Carolina 27614

A special Original Music CONCERT with local Raleigh Jazz/Funk band The Will McBride Group, right on the Amazingtone Stage! Saturday Nov 14th, doors open @ 7pm

The Will McBride Group is an exciting, groovin 3-piece Jazz/Funk combo...with a great mix of originals and clever covers. Plenty of groove and variety, that "satisfies your cool side..and moves your backside"!

Check them out here: http://www.myspace.com/thewillmcbridegroup

$8.00 Cover at the Door (to compensate the Artists). Food and Snacks, Coffee and Beverages all for sale inside. Doors open @ 7pm, Show begins at 8pm. Come hear some great local music, in the intimate setting of our Coffee Lounge!

Official Website: http://www.amazingtone.com

Added by amazingtone_music on November 7, 2009