Barefoot Chamber Concerts continues its mission to help you start the weekend right. Its first concert of 2010 features Hallifax & Jeffrey, the acclaimed Bay Area viol duo, in a special concert of French baroque music for multiple viols, with guest violists Josh Lee and Marie Dalby, and theorbist extraordinaire John Lenti.
Couperin's luscious quartet "La Sultane" and Corette's rambunctious "Le Phenix" (for 4 bass viols) are the cornerstones of a rare musical treat. Other composers include Marais, Forqueray (pieces for 3 bass viols), and Ste. Colombe. Hallifax & Jeffrey are well known to Bay Area audiences, especially for their interpretations of Forqueray and Marais. Here, they are joined by two young rising stars, Marie Dalby and Josh Lee, whose viol playing has already won nationwide acclaim. Theorbist John Lenti provides his usual stunning continuo support.
The concert is in the fabulous wooden acoustic of the Parish Hall of St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Berkeley. This will provide a superb setting for an unforgettable sound.
The series is committed to musical excellence without the formality of the conventional concert setting. Concerts will start at 6 p.m. and will last 60-75 minutes without intermission. Light refreshments will be available, and there will be ample time to move on to other evening entertainments.
For more details, and to order ticket online, visit
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on December 20, 2009