This annual Independence Day friendraiser for Kaua`i Hospice offers the largest aerial fireworks show on Kaua`i, family fun and games, and great food from top hotels and restaurants. Gates open at 4:00 pm with continuous live entertainment featuring John Cruz, Shilo Pa, The Quake, Halau Ka Lei Mokihana `O Leina`ala and more. Vidinha Soccer Field in Lihue. Advance admission price is $10 for adults; $5 for keiki (children) 6 - 12 yrs; under 5 free. Pre-sale tickets available June 1st - July 3rd at all Big Save Markets and Menehune Food Marts. Tickets at the gate on July 4th are $15 for adults and $7 for keiki 6-12. For more information call (808) 245-7277.
Added by themang99 on June 9, 2010