31 W Ohio
Chicago, Illinois 60610

Concert by the winners of the Competition in the Performance of Music from Spain and Latin America sponsored by the Education Office of the Embassy of Spain. A collaboration of the Latin American Music Center, Indiana University, Bloomington
Concierto interpretado por los ganadores del concurso de música latinoamericana y española patrocinado por la Oficina de Educación de la Embajada de España en Washington
Thursday, November 20, at 7:30pm
Instituto Cervantes Auditorium
Suggested General Admission: $15
This concert is part of the Latin American Music Festival of Chicago
Este concierto forma parte del Festival de Música Latinoamericana de Chicago

Musicians: Fernando Cruz, piano, Nemanja Ostojic, guitar, and Yeon Ji Yun, cello
Intérpretes: Fernando Cruz, piano, Nemanja Ostojic, guitarra y Yeon Ji Yun, cello

Fernando Cruz, born in Madrid, Fernando Cruz began musical studies at the age of four. Enrolling in 1999 at the Madrid
Conservatory, he earned a degree in Music Theory and Improvisation in 2002, graduating with an Honor award in Chamber Music.
In 2003 he participated in the European academic exchange program Erasmus, studying at the Hanns Eisler School in Berlin, and graduating in piano at the end of that year. Having won a two-year scholarship offered by the Spanish bank La Caixa, he came to the United States to study for a Masters Degree in piano with Jean-Louis Haguenauer at Indiana University.
Mr. Cruz has won several national and international piano competitions. Among them are: Marisa Montiel, Fundación Guerrero, Ricard Viñes, Ciutat de Mallorca, Spanish Composers, San Sebastián, Intercentros, in Spain; Principat d’Andorra in Andorra; Matinée Musicale and Latin-American Music Competition in Indiana.
His experience as a soloist includes recitals in Spain in collaboration with Jeunesses Musicales, concerts in the United States and Taiwan, and Spanish music recitals in Italy, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon, collaborating with the Cervantes Institute. He has performed as soloist with the RTVE Orchestra in Spain with conductors Adrian Leaper and Vasily Petrenko, the concerts being broadcast live on national radio and TV.
In 2006, Mr. Cruz was appointed Assistant Instructor of Piano at the Jacobs School of Music of IU. After completing his Masters Degree and a Performer’s Diploma, he is currently pursuing an Artist Diploma with Professor Arnaldo Cohen, which he expects to complete in 2009.
Fernando Cruz, nacido en Madrid, comienza sus estudios musicales a los cuatro años. En 1999 entra en el Real Conservatorio Superior de Madrid con Fernando Puchol, obteniendo el título superior de Teoría de la Música en 2002 y el premio de honor en Música de Cámara.
En 2003 participa en el programa europeo de intercambio académico “Erasmus”, estudiando en la escuela “Hanns Eisler” de Berlín, y obtiene el título superior de piano al finalizar el año. Tras obtener una beca de dos años ofrecida por “la Caixa”, ingresa en la Universidad de Indiana, EEUU, para estudiar un master en piano con Jean-Louis Haguenauer.
Fernando Cruz ha sido premiado en numerosos concursos de piano nacionales e internacionales, entre ellos: Marisa Montiel, Fundación Guerrero, Ciutat de Mallorca, Ricard Viñes, Compositores de España, Intercentros, San Sebastián, en España; Principat d’Andorra en Andorra; “Matinée Musicale” , “Travel Grant” Competition y Latinamerican Music Competition en Indiana. Ha ofrecido conciertos en las principales capitales de Andalucía, en colaboración con Juventudes Musicales, así como en Italia, Estados Unidos, Jordania, Siria y Líbano. Ha sido solista con la orquesta RTVE, dirigiendo Adrian Leaper y Wassili Petrenko, retransmitiéndose estos conciertos en directo por radio y televisión.
En 2006 es nombrado profesor asistente en piano en la Universidad de Indiana. Actualmente está estudiando con Arnaldo Cohen un Artist Diploma, el cual espera finalizar en 2009.

Yeon Ji Yun began to study cello at age nine, later entering the Yewon School, which is a specialty arts middle school in Korea, and Seoul Arts High School. She played the ‘Boccherini Concerto in Bb’ with the Yewon School Orchestra, where only student with the highest practical technique grades could play. She also played the ‘Elgar Cello Concerto’ with the Korean Symphony Orchestra during 12th grade.
She attended Seoul National University and won first place in various competitions of Korea, including the Music Chunchu Competition, Seoul National Competition, Sungjung Competition, and Korean-American Competition. She also participated in the Asian Youth Orchestra during college, and played in a tour around 6 European countries and in the Quartet Program in the US. After 1 year, Ms. Yun passed the Korean Symphony Orchestra audition, and worked in the orchestra while attending graduate school. With working in the orchestra, she frequently toured, giving solo and chamber recitals with famous musicians in Korea. She has Master of Music in Cello Performance from Seoul National University and was a Teaching Assistant in the same school.
She received a scholarship to study abroad at the Indiana University School of Music in Bloomington, Indiana in 2005. Under the tutelage of Helga Winold, she received Performer Diploma of Indiana University. Now she is studying with Distinguished Cello Professor Janos Starker and attending Indiana University at Bloomington pursuing a doctoral degree. She won the concerto competition in IU and played Walton cello concerto with concert orchestra of Indiana University in 2007. In this year, she won the first prize of The Eleventh Annual Competition in the Performance of Music from Spain and Latin America and The Travel Grant Competition. She is also an Assistant Instructor of cello and just finished a concert tour with a program of all three Brahms cello sonatas in U.S.
Yeon Ji Yum comenzó sus estudios de cello a los nueve años, ingresando en la Yewon School y en la Seoul Arts High School. A los pocos años pasó a interpretar el concierto de Boccherini y el de Elgar, con la Orquesta sinfónica de Korea.
Formada en la Universidad Nacional de Seúl, ganó diversas competiciones en Corea; entre ellas la Music Chunchu Competition, Seoul Nacional Competition, Sungjung Competition y Korean-American Competition. Tras superar las pruebas para ingresar en la Orquesta Sinfónica de Corea, compaginó sus estudios con dicha plaza, actuando con la orquesta y como solista en Corea. Yeon Ji terminó sus estudios de cello en la Universidad nacional y trabajó como ayudante en el departamento.
En el año 2005 consiguió una beca para continuar sus estudios en la Escuela de Música de Indiana (Bloomington) bajo la dirección de Helga Winold y obtuvo el Diploma de interpretación de la Universidad. En la actualidad está finalizando sus estudios de doctorado con el maestro Janos Starker. Recientemente ha ganado el Concurso de interpretación como solista de la Universidad de Indiana y el Concurso de Música Latinoamericana y española patrocinado por la Oficina de Educación de la Embajada de España.

Nemanja Ostojic, born in Belgrade, Serbia, considered to be one of the finest guitarists of his generation. He has graduated from Music High School Kosta Manojlovic in the class of prof. Bosko Radojkovic,and also from Belgrade Academy of Music, in the class of prof. Srdjan Tosic, receiving his Bachelor Degree in Music. Currently he is studying at Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, Bloomington, under guidance of prof. Ernesto Bitetti. He attended master-classes with: Carlo Marchione, Leo Brouwer, Costas Cotsiolis, Pavel Steidl, Eduardo Isaak , among others
International 1st prizes: Guitar Art Competition in Belgrade (2001,2003); Both Serbian and Yugoslavian State competitions for young musicians (2000, 2003); Festival of Classical Guitar Sinaya, Romania;
Volos Guitar Festival,Greece; Competition for young guitarist "Anna Amalia" Weimar,Germany;
Guitar festival "Niccolo Paganini" Parma, Italy; Finalist of the 2005 Jeunesse Musicales, Belgrade, Serbia; 1st prize at 11th “Competition in performance of music from Spain and Latin America” , held at the IU. Jacobs School of Music.
Porformed in many in many highly acclaimed recitals in his country and abroad, ever since 2000, when his international career begun. Performed in Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Germany, USA, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, France, Russia, Turkey and USA. Nemanja Performed as soloist with Bilkent Symphony Orchestra, Athens chamber orchestra, Belgrade Philharmonic, Saint George Strings, performing with conductors such as Petar Ivanovic, Daragana Jovanovic, Bujor Hoinic and with Maestro Leo Brouwer , performing “Concierto de Aranjuez” at the 5th GAF in Belgrade. Nemanja had honor to substitute the great John Williams in this very special performance, and to perform with Maestro Brouwer himself. Nemanja has particular interest in Latin American music.

Nemanja Ostojic, nacido en Blegrado, Serbia, está considerado como uno de los mejores guitarristas de su generación. Cursó sus primeros estudios con Kosta Manojlovic y Bosko Radojkovic y se graduó en la Academia de Música de Belgrado. Actualmente estudia en la Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, Bloomington, bajo la supervisión del maestro Ernesto Bitetti. Ha participado en las Master clases de Carlo Marchione, Leo Brouwer, Costas Cotsiolis, Pavel Steidl, Eduardo Isaak, entre otros.
Cuenta en su haber con los siguientes primeros premios internacionales: Guitar Art Competition en Belgrado (2001,2003); Concurso estatales en Serbia y Yugoslavia para músicos jóvenes (2000, 2003); Festival de Guitarra Clásica de Sinaya, Romanía; Festival de Guitarra Volos, Grecia; Concurso para jóvenes guitarristas “Anna Amalia”, Weimar, Alemania; Festival de Guitarra Niccolo Paganini, Parma, Italia; Granador del XI Concurso de Música española y Latinoamericana, Bloomington, Indiana, patrocinado por la Consejería de Educación de la Embajada de España.
Ha actuado en diversos recitales en su país y en el extranjero (Eslovenia, Alemania, Rumania, EEUU, Grecia, Italia, Montenegro, Francia, Rusia y Turquía). Durante la V GAF de Belgrado, Nemanja Ostojic sustituyó a John Williams para interpretar el Concierto de Aranjuez bajo la dirección del maestro Leo Brouwer.
Nemanja Ostojic tiene especial interés por la música Latinoamericana.

Program / Programa:

J. Turina - Fandaguillo
J. Turina - Homenaje a Tarega (Garrotín y Soleares);
Leo Brouwer Sonata (movimiento II y III)

Guitarra y cello
Falla - canciones (por determinar)

Gaspal Cassado Suite para cello solo
Intermezzo e danza finale

Cello y piano
Astor Piazzolla Milonga del Angel (arreglo de Colón)
La Muerte del Angel (arreglo de Colon)
Piano y guitarra:
Rodrigo Concierto de Aranjuez, 2º moviemiento

Piano solo:
Granados Valses poéticos
Granados Danza española nº 5 (andaluza)
Granados El pelele

Official Website: http://chicago.cervantes.es

Added by acover on October 29, 2008

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