Time: 2008/5/25
Venue: NCPA-Concer Hall
Price: 50/80/180/280/380
MSN: ponypiaoen@hotmail.com
Tel: 86-10-64177845
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Conductor: Li Xincao
Piano: Qing Lan
Violin: Cheng Yawei
Cello: Ma Wen
Li Xincao -“One of the young prestigious conductors in the musical world.”
Li Xincao, born in North China's Hebei Provincein 1971, is the resident conductor of China National Symphony Orchestraand the principal conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of the NationalBallet Orchestra of China.
As an active young conductor, Li Xincao has toured many cities of Chinaand abroad. Besides cooperating with many domestic orchestras, he hasfrequently collaborated with the National Orchestra de Lille, theBesancon Opera House, the Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra, the TivoliOrchestra, the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra, the Cape TownPhilharmonic Orchestra, the Chamber Orchestra of South Africa, theKorean KBS Symphony Orchestra, the Hong Kong Orchestra, the Hong KongSinfonietta, and the Hong Kong Ballet. He has successfully conductedmany operas including Madame Butterfly, Rigoletto, Traviata, Aida and Tosca. In the end of 2002, Lin Xincao will lead CNSO to tour in Japan, Australia and Europe.
Inseries of concerts, he has shown his adaptability to different programsand his correct understanding of different styles of works. He waspraised especially for his excellent performance in German and Austrianworks and in the new works by the Chinese contemporary composers.
Little Running River
Bao Yuankai
Beethoven Triple Concerto in C Major Op.56
Beethoven Symphony No.7 in A Major Op.92
Official Website: http://www.piao.com.cn
Added by One Night in Beijing on April 25, 2008