2001 Farnam Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68102

The Kent Bellows Studio and Center for Visual Arts proudly presents !An Evening of Concert and Conversation with Peter Buffett,' an event to benefit its programming and operations. Buffett's !Concert and Conversation' serves as an entertaining and informative look into the life of a man with a truly unique upbringing. As the son of Warren Buffett, his open discussion about the lessons he's learned and their effect in creating the man he's become acts as a true testament that life is never a straight road. No matter what your background, Buffett's take on "earning your own reward" will find resonance with your own life story. The evening will include live performances of selections from Peter's album releases including his latest, 'Imaginary Kingdom,' punctuated with videos from his film/television work and philanthropic activities.

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 23, 2009