Computer Club – the next Computer Club - the Lass O'Gowrie's (of Manchester city centre) occasional celebration of vintage and retro gaming is scheduled for the evening of Tuesday, March 18th. It's a cosy evening of chat, pints and games in the Snug. All welcome! we'll have a Tiger Heli arcade machine fired up, as well as a Donkey Kong and R-Type machines on hand. Likely to include SNES, Maegdrive, GameCube and a Saturn...
We're dead easy to find, just off Oxford road by the BBC. Free parking is available on the street after 6pm, and our kitchen will be serving food til 9pm - so you can even have yer tea! More information on the pub can be found, as ever at .
Official Website:
Added by lass o gowrie on March 14, 2008