20700 Civic Center Dr., Suite 450, 4th Floor
Southfield, Michigan 48076

Computer Q&A: Topic 1: Donald Tillman of "Safe Data" will discuss (a) The basics of Virtual Machines.(b) Windows 7 Integration. (c) Running Windows on a Mac using VM. (d) Also, hard disk destruction methods to guarantee data security. Topic 2: A Computer Potpourri: Tom Callow will discuss and demonstrate several different programs and topics, such as TidyRead, a browser add-in that actually makes it easy to read the text of Web pages, KeyLemon, a program that secures your webcam equipped computer with face recognition, and The Password Meter, a Web page that assesses the strength of your passwords. All welcome. (www.semco.org).

Added by machw48185 on June 30, 2010

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