IMPORTANT-READ THIS BEFORE YOU SIGN UP! There are 21 seats in each class. You will be added to the list according to the date on which you signed up. If more than 21 people show up the first night, we will give seating preference to people according to the date they put their name on the list.
You must be present at the start of class on the first night to keep your place in the class.Sorry, we do not allow people to take a class if they missed the first class. Please make every effort to attend every class so that you do not inconvenience the instructor or the other students or miss important information.
If this is your first time attending any classes in the Opportunity Junction Center you must complete registration forms on the first night. Please arrive 15 minutes early to complete the forms.
If you are a returning student (you registered within the current school year, which runs July 1 June 30), you do not need to fill out registration forms.
Missing classes and arriving late:
It benefits you and the class as a wholeto arrive a little before the start of class. Late arrivals disrupt the class and create difficulties for the instructor and the students who have covered a portion of the material. If you do arrive late, please note what was being covered when you arrived, and at the end of class, tell the instructor at one point you came in and ask what you missed.
You are welcome to come use computers here during our evening hours (Monday-Thursday, 6-9). There may be tutors available duringthose hourswho can help you catch up or answer questions.
We strongly encourage you to attend all the class sessions in order to attain the most from the class. If you miss one or more classes, then perhaps you would benefit from taking the class during the next cycle.
If you are a beginner, please start with the Computer/Window Basics class and continue in the order that the classes are scheduled. We also recommend that you do the online course called Mousercise and that you practice keyboarding outside of class. We have software to help you with keyboarding and there is also software online such Typing Tutor.
Thank you for your interest in these classes, offered to the community at no charge thanks to the supporters and volunteers of Opportunity Junction. Your donations are always welcome and are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Opportunity Junction is a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization.
Organized by Opportunity JunctionOpportunity Junction fights poverty by helping low-income Contra Costa residents gain the skills and confidence to support themselves and their families.
Ticket Info: - Computer & Windows Basics class - Mondays, 6-9 pm, June 1 - June 15, 2009, Free
- Computer & Windows Basics class - Tu & Th, 7:30-9 pm June 2 - June 18, 2009, Free
- Internet Basics class - Mondays, 6-9 pm, June 22 - July 13, 2009, Free
- Internet Basics class - Tu & Th, 7:30-9 pm, June 23 - July 21, 2009, Free
- Email Basics class - Mondays, 6-9 pm, July 20 - July 27, 2009, Free
- Email Basics class - Tu & Th, 7:30-9 pm, July 28 - Aug. 6, 2009, Free
- Word Basics class - Mondays, 6-9 pm, Aug. 3 - Aug. 24, 2009, Free
- Word Basics class - Tu & Th, 7:30-9 pm, Aug. 11 - Sept. 3, 2009, Free
- PowerPoint Basics class - Tu & Th, 7:30-9 pm, Sept. 8 - Sept. 24, 2009, Free
- Excel Part 1 class - Tuesdays, 6-7:30 pm, July 7 - Aug. 11, 2009, Free
- Excel Part 2 class - Tuesdays, 6-7:30 pm, Aug. 18 - Sept. 22, 2009, Free
Official Website: http://summer09classes-upcoming.eventbrite.com