1020 Discovery Road
Eagan, MN, Minnesota 55121

Intertech’s Complete C# course is designed to expose experienced software developers to the C# programming language and the core APIs of the .NET platform. The course will begin by exposing attendees to the syntax and semantics of the C# programming language and Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. Students will gain an understanding of the .NET type system (classes, structures, enums, interfaces and delegates), assembly configuration, file IO operations and the role of type metadata. Once the foundational topics have been addressed, the remainder of the class will introduce the role of Windows Forms, ADO.NET,and ASP.NET.

Learning Objectives:
During this course, the participant will:

Learn Object Oriented Programming with C#
Learn to build desktop applications using Windows Forms
Learn to interact with relational databases using ADO.NET
Learn to build web sites using ASP.NET
Learn to build XML web services using the .NET platform

Official Website: http://intertech.com/Courses/Course.aspx?CategoryID=27&CourseID=99303

Added by cheryldubbels on January 22, 2009