1020 Discovery Road
Eagan, MN, Minnesota 55121

This class will introduce you to the suite of technologies that are used to create an Ajax web application. This is not, however, simply a catalog of Ajax libraries and tools: all topics covered are grounded in "Real World" usage. Learning in this class is designed to go above and beyond the "what" and "how" of Ajax. After completing this course, you will be well versed in the critical answers to "why" and "when", as they relate to the technical foundations of building dynamic web applications.

The material covers Ajax foundations including HTTP, asynchronous communication, advanced JavaScript, the DOM API, events, and JSON, as well as higher level topics in debugging, security, and frameworks (jQuery).

Lab work focuses on creating the dynamic portions of a Web site, including JSPs, Servlets, and JavaScript.

Official Website: http://www.intertech.com/Courses/Course.aspx?CourseID=99338

Added by cheryldubbels on September 11, 2010