7800 Normandale Blvd
Bloomington, Minnesota 55435

Register today for the don’t miss storage event of the year. From visionary strategy to revolutionary product to extraordinary innovation, Compellent is defining the future of storage right now. Your future. Come to C-Drive 2009, May 3 – 7 in Minneapolis, Minnesota and be part of our data storage “think tank” as we unveil the latest and greatest advances in enterprise storage.

Business Partner Summit May 3rd – May 5th
Take a quantum leap in your storage sales with the latest tools and strategies.
Gain a cutting-edge perspective on industry trends, products in development and storage technologies.
Talk with the “futurists” at Compellent who are shaping the future of storage.
Find out more about the virtual data center of the future with industry-leading technology partners.
Get certified on our newest and most innovative software release yet.
Understand the blueprint for our next-generation enterprise storage features.

Customer Conference May 5th – May 7th
Put your storage savings into hyperdrive with the latest best practices and certifications.
Meet and talk with the “futurists” at Compellent who are shaping the future of storage.
Gain a cutting-edge perspective on industry trends, products in development and storage technologies.
Get certified on our newest and most innovative software release yet.
Understand the blueprint for our next-generation enterprise storage features.
Design your virtual data center of the future with industry-leading technology partners.
Meet other innovative Compellent users and share best practices for your Compellent environment.

Official Website: http://www.compellent.com/CDrive.aspx

Added by sarahciurczak on February 20, 2009

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