Compassion in Action:
Shaping the Futureof Hospice and Palliative Care-
TodaysChallenges, Tomorrows Opportunities
Presented by
Hospice of the Valley
In Collaboration with the
Center for Professional Development, Santa Clara University
Thursday and Friday, March 2627, 2009
Thursday 5:30pm 7:30pm (Reception and Program)
Friday 8:00am 5:45pm
Santa Clara University, Center for Performing Arts, Recital Hall
6.0 CEU or 6 CE hours
Cost: $125
As end-of-life care enters what many are calling its second wave, hospice and palliative care services in the United Sates continue to expand, bringing better quality of life at the end of life to increasing numbers of persons facing life transitions and their families. Patients and families are achieving the kinds of outcomes they say matter mostbetter symptom management, clearer communication about the patients condition, greater sensitivity to spiritual and cultural issues, and control over the site of death. Despite this progress, many challenges remain: hospice reaches only half the people it could serve in the United States; many countries have no palliative care at all; minority populations continue to be underserved; and shockingly negative outcomes continue to be suffered by persons not receiving specialized end-of-life care.
This conference brings together leading experts to examine the current state of end-of-life care and to offer a vision for improving it locally, nationally, and internationally. Conference attendees and participating organizations will be a second faculty for the conference as they network and share innovative ideas and services already contributing to enhancing care at the end of life.
Featured Faculty
Thursday, March 26, 2009 (Reception and Program)
Dave B. Feldman, PhD and Andrew Lasher, MD, Unexpected Opportunities: How Some Patients and Families Discover Love, Humor, and Hope at the End of Life
Friday, March 27, 2009
Frank Ostaseski, Co-Founder Zen Hospice and Founder of the Metta Institute, Being A Compassionate Companion
Dale G. Larson, PhD, Moderator
David B. Feldman, PhD, From Cure to Quality of Life: The Shifting Nature of Hope at the End of Life
James Hallenbeck, MD, When does dying begin?
John Golenski, EdD, The Ethics and Practical Issues of Physician-Assisted Suicide
Monique Kuo, MD, Beyond the Benefit
Stephen Connor, PhD, Where Have We Been? Where Are We Going? Understanding Trends and Their Implications for Hospice and Palliative Care
Course Objectives
At the completion of the seminar, participants will be able to:
Discuss evolving trends in hospice and palliative care on a state, national and international level
Describe current challenges facing hospice and palliative care
Identify factors influencing end-of-life choices across the lifespan
Understand universal elements of human experience that co-exist with the uniqueness of each person
Identify how cultural background influences patients' world views, their explanatory model for illness and patterns of decision making
Identify factors affecting healthcare for chronic and terminal illness
Identify opportunities for hospices to evolve and meet these opportunities with innovative programs
6 hours of Continuing Education Units will be available to physicians, nurses, social workers, psychologists, and marriage and family therapists.
For specific questions, email Ana Hays at
ahays@hospicevalley.orgor call 408.559.5600.
Hospice of the Valley Gratefully Acknowledges
the Sponsors WhoGenerously SupportedThis Event:
Platinum Level Sponsors
Alameda Family Funeral & Cremation, Inc.
Gold Level Sponsors
Healthcare Business Journal of Northern California
SilverLevel Sponsors
Mission Hospice, Optimal Hospice Care, Pathways Home Health Hospice& Private Duty, Vitas, Wyeth
BronzeLevel Sponsors
California Hospice Foundation, Hospice of Santa Cruz
CopperLevel Sponsors
Endorsed By
California Hospice & Palliative Care Association
Organized by Hospice of the Valley
The Mission of Hospice of the Valley is to affirm dignity, hope, and comfort for those facing a life-limiting illness by providing compassionate palliative, hospice, and grief care. Our professionals and volunteers serve the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals and their families. We enhance our community through education, research, advocacy, and volunteerism.
The executive leadership at Hospice of the Valley is among the top thought leaders for hospice care in the country. Our legacy of community educational programs, advocacy and outreach sets the standard for quality hospice care state-wide and nationally.
Celebrating it's 30th anniversary, Hospice of the Valley was founded in 1979 and was the first not-for-profit hospice care organization to serve the community of Santa Clara County.
Ticket Info: General Admission, $125.00
Official Website: http://compassioninaction-upcoming.eventbrite.com