The Movement Center
1021 NE 33rd Ave
Portland, Oregon 97232
Every one of us has something special at our core. It is what is alive in us, our spirit, the source of all power. The same power has created the whole universe. Spirit is one, whole and infinite. It has unimaginable possiblity.
The vehicle we use to make contact with spirit is called yoga. The practice of yoga in all its forms is about a deeply personal experience of the ultimate reality - what we in the West sometimes call God. Yoga is about the ability to feel our spirit, under every circumstance, and to allow it to be nourished and grow stronger.
Please join us for our community yoga classes. These classes are: Monday at 5:45 -6:45pm (with a meditation program following),Tuesday at 4:30, Wednesday at 5:45 - 6:45pm (with meditation following), Saturday 11am - noon, and Sunday 9:30 -10:30 am. (.) Cost: $5.
Our Community Yoga classes are held at The Movement Center at 1021 NE 33rd Avenue--that's our post office address. The program entrance is closer to NE 31st & Hassalo, You'll find directions and information about parking at:
Our space is beautiful and the environment is very peaceful with a garden setting.
We welcome your participation.
Added by michlawni on June 1, 2011