5940 SW Hood Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97239

Learn valuable tips to help increase your personal health and wellness at this organic gardening-themed ACHS Community Wellness Open House. Specific workshops include:

Spring Seed Starting (11 a.m.-noon): Learn how to start your seed garden just in time for spring planting. Led by Master Gardener and ACHS Senior Vice President Erika Yigzaw. Lecture followed by Q & A.

Organic Gardening (12-1 p.m.): So, you think you’d like to practice organic gardening, but you’re not sure what it’s all about? Master Gardener and ACHS Senior Vice President Erika Yigzaw will introduce the key concepts of organic gardening for the home gardener, including soil health, beneficial insects, and much more.

Organic Standards (1-2 p.m.): Join ACHS Master Herbalist Christina Suarez for a discussion about organic standards for processing botanicals, including the processing of organic botanicals from garden to teacup. Suarez, owner of The Good Herb Company, has a wealth of knowledge about organic standards and processing requirements.

Seed Swap (2-3 p.m.): Save money, preserve biodiversity, meet and exchange ideas with your community of local gardeners. The ACHS First Annual Seed Swap will be led by Oregon State University Extension Service Master Gardener Erika Yigzaw, who will talk about saving seeds, starting seeds, and transplanting seedlings. Weather permitting, Erika will also host demonstrations of direct sowing and transplanting seedlings in the ACHS Botanical Teaching Garden. Prizes awarded. Bring you seeds to swap and a detailed information card. Please don’t bring items from the noxious weed list.

Open to the public. Space is limited. To reserve your seat, call (503) 244-0726 or email admissions@achs.edu. March 21, 2009. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Australasian College of Health Sciences, 5940 SW Hood Ave.

Official Website: www.achs.edu

Added by Australasian College on February 13, 2009