3733 Lancaster Avenue (West Philly)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

Unite Philadelphia Through Justice & Reparations – Community Speakout

Not one more black life stolen in the name of “security” for the white community!

Stop police violence and cover-ups!

Unite Philadelphia through Justice & Reparations to the African community and the families of young Africans killed by Phila police

Community Speak-Out:
SUN Oct 26th • 2-4pm
Uhuru Solidarity Center • 3733 Lancaster Ave • W. Phila

Speakers: Diop Olugbala, International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement, organizing Philadelphia Reparations Tribunal • Penny Hess, African People’s Solidarity Committee • Family of Denill Giddings – Killed in September by Phila police during a “Stop & Frisk” • Open mic

We can’t stand by from the white community and do nothing while the Philadelphia police have license to shoot and kill young black men, and the media portrays the victims as the criminals!

Our city is divided by the poverty and violence imposed on African people by the U.S. government and the Nutter administration. There can’t be real peace or security for anyone when young African people face a life of prison, poverty or early death by heavy-handed policing.

Join us in uniting with the African community’s demand for justice!

Join Uhuru Solidarity Movement in supporting the Uhuru Movement-led struggle for self-determination and economic and social empowerment for the African community

215-387-0919 • UhuruSolidarity.org • UhuruNews.com

Official Website: http://UhuruNews.com

Added by krishnajfk on October 17, 2008



Do I agree that sometimes the media gets the story wrong? ABSOLUTELY.... What I dont understand is how someone shoots at a police officer wounds him and then decides that isnt enough and stands above him and executes him putting several more bullets into his already lifeless body.. Then runs and begins shooting at yet another police officer... who shoots back and kills him... HOW IS GIDDINGS THE VICTIM IN THIS? Did someone force him every time he committed a violent act? Was someone else responsible every time he was violent while incarcerated? When do we begin taking responsibilty for our actions and stop using the "world is out to get em" excuse or the "it's because he is a black man" that he got punished for his actions. He should be allowed to shoot and kill police officers? To shoot and attempt to kill whomever he wants???... THATS NOT THE WAY AMERICANS SHOULD HAVE TO LIVE. Daniel Giddings was a disgrace to African Americans and the human race as a whole. We want people to view African Americans as equals but when we defend this kind of heinous behavior, we are making ourselves no better than all the other murderous "Daniel Giddings" out there. This is the United States of America and as AMERICANS we have a duty to follow the laws of the land. If we cant do that then we must face the consequences of our actions. BE A MAN DOES NOT MEAN BE A MURDERER!!!!!
I am beyond repulsed by people of ANY race or color that force us to live in a world filled with ignorance, misguided hate, and endless amounts of burials for those that were taken from us too soon.
Children getting caught in cross fire, woman being beaten to death, police protecting and serving ALL citizens getting shot down because they are iinterfering with a robbery or or other violent unlawful act....WHEN IS ENOUGH ENOUGH???????
Continue to shoot police officers and then when no one is there to answer your cries for help when the Daniel Giddings come after you and yours ... it will be because you thought it was right to kill cops and now there is none left to protect and serve you. Bet you wish you would have rethought that one when you are shot laying in the street somewhere and have no one to call . Scared for your life and no one to come to your aid. WAKE UP!!! RACISM lies within YOUR IGNORANCE!!!!

TO all POlice Officers AFRICAN AMERICAN, Spanish, Asian, Irish, Italian, etc. I applaud you and I thank you for continuing to put your life on the line by protecting us all equally .

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