Queen's Park
Toronto, Ontario

We Need a Park Now. Insist on Being Heard!
Save Green Space from More Condos!

When: Wednesday, 29th August, 2012
Location: Queen's Park North, Edward VII Statue
4:00 pm - Make signs, materials provided
5:00 pm - March to the Legislature and on to 11 Wellesley Street West

On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 from 4:00-6:00pm, come join us at Queen’s Park North (meet at the “Edward VII” Statue) along with hundreds of your Central Toronto neighbours, to march around Queen’s Park and on to 11 Wellesley Street West, which we want to see developed as a new community centre with affordable housing and a new green public park.

We have petitioned the Government, and we are being ignored! We have sent hundreds of letters, which Infrastructure Minister Bob Chiarelli has just dismissed! Premier Dalton Mcguinty is set on selling the land to developers for more high-rise condos in Central Toronto, where there already is unprecedented condo development!

Please join local City Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam and your neighbours to insist that the voice of the people is heard! We ask only for time to plead our case for a development which would be beneficial to our community.

For more information, contact Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam at 416-392-7903 or email councillor_wongtam@toronto.ca

Added by sarlin on August 24, 2012

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