The Pentagon recently revealed that it has been monitoring anti-war protests and collecting information about Americans in a "terrorism threat database". The National Security Agency intercepts and monitors the phone calls and records of millions of Americans without warrants. San Francisco recently approved the placement of more surveillance cameras throughout the city despite the lack of any evidence that cameras reduce crime or fear of crime.
The chilling effect of government surveillance threatens open public debate and the very fabric of our democracy. Individuals must be able to exercise their constitutional rights without fear of being watched, without threat of being listed in a terrorism database or police file, without having their conversations listened to and their mail opened.
Join other activists, community leaders, and surveillance experts to discuss the current surveillance infrastructure both locally and nationally. Learn how you can help ensure that as technology advances, civil rights do not get left behind.
Please RSVP by calling 415.621.2493 x 435 or emailing
Official Website:
Added by aclunc_sj on February 6, 2007