301 West Fifth Street
Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27101

The premier event is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, September 26, 2009 at the M.C. Benton Convention Center, North Main Hall A. Theme: “This is Our Story!”

Ms. Mütter Evans will emcee the program which will feature a performance by the Otesha Creative Arts Ensemble, the oldest professional African-American dance company in North Carolina.

Words of Encouragement will be given by Dr. Nigel Alston, Dr. Charles Ford, Mr. Keith Grandberry, and Dr. Ed Wilson. Judge Denise Hartsfield will induct the honorees.

Leaders and legends were nominated and will be recognized for their efforts and accomplishments in Public Service, Leadership,and/or Entrepreneurship.

The LOP is a 21-year-old public charity organization that supports programs to help make a difference in our local community and in Liberia, West Africa.

Ticket Locations: Special Occasions, 112 N Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive. Cash or checks accepted. Buy individual tickets or purchase a table.

• To reserve a table or for more information, please visit www.lopnc.org,
email HoFChair@lopnc.org, or contact Mr. James Y. Hunder, Sr., LOP
President, at 336.703.9681.

Official Website: http://www.lopnc.org

Added by dwedorford on September 4, 2009



This will be a wonderful event. Don't miss it!

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