San Benito Street
Hollister, California 95023

WHO: The Gavilan College Board of Trustees Ad Hoc Committee on Off-site Educational Centers: Trustees Elvira Robinson, Kent Child and Laura Perry

WHAT: Invite the community to a public forum to discuss Gavilan College plans for expansion of services in San Benito County, with the goal of increasing San Benito County course offerings and gaining state designation as an Educational Center. The forum will be a time for the community to learn about the process, the timeline, and potential interim locations under consideration, and to provide input on community concerns and priorities for the interim location.

WHEN: Monday, July 19, 2010 from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

WHERE: Room 218, Veterans Memorial Building, Hollister; 649 San Benito Street

WHY: A significant percentage of Gavilan College students and staff live in San Benito County, and the district has long-term plans to build a college campus on district-owned land on Fairview Road and Airline Highway. In order to qualify for construction funding, college services in San Benito County must be expanded to serve the equivalent of 500 full-time students. The current location at the Briggs Building is at capacity, serving the equivalent of 230 full-time students. Gavilan College is seeking an interim location for expansion in Hollister. The interim location will ideally be available for the next 15-20 years, contain at least 20,000 square feet, and adequate parking for 500 cars. The building itself must meet the requirements of the Division of State Architects for educational facilities. It will need classrooms, wet laboratory space, computer lab space, student gathering space, and a safe, quiet environment for study. The ideal spot will be located near public transportation. Public input is desired on potential locations and services at the interim location.

Added by Gavilan College on June 29, 2010

Interested 1