Portsmouth Road
Horndean, England PO8 9NN

Linked to 'Delivering a Presentation with Confidence' and the benefits of using technology - this is your chance to make your presentations even more professional by using this excellent computer software package. Aimed at people who have not used the PowerPoint Programme before. Prior knowledge: you must be able to use a mouse and have a basic knowlege of the keyboard layout. During the day you will learn how to create simple presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint through a Multi-media overhead projector. Note: laptops will be used. Light lunch + refreshments provided. Further details + booking form contact: Community First East Hampshire, The Tilmore Centre, 1 Tilmore Road, Petersfield GU32 2HG 01730 710017 training@communityfirst-easthampshire.org.uk Look on line for 'Community First Training' @ www.communityfirst-easthamsphire.org.uk

Added by easthampshire.org on January 15, 2009

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