School Road
Grayshott, England GU26 6LR

A great opportunity for reception staff, those involved with home visits, development workers, caretakers or anyone who might be involved in lone working, to explore the risks and practical solutions to situations during your working day. The type of issues to be covered will include: assessing the risks to personal safety, including travelling alone safely, personal alarms, working in other people's homes; putting the risks into perspective; plan strategies to maximise personal safety; identify potential danger areas, and propose practical ways of meeting them; definitions of unacceptable violence and aggression and managing situations. Places must be booked in advance. Refreshments provided. Further details + booking form contact: Community First East Hampshire, The Tilmore Centre, 1 Tilmore Road, Petersfield GU32 2HG 01730 710017 Look on line for 'Community First Training' @

Added by on January 15, 2009

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