Medan, North Sumatra

Top-level communication skills for today’s senior administrative professionals!

Senior managers and their assistants agree: diplomacy, discretion and advanced communication skills are critical for executive assistants. Increase your value by building and maintaining powerful business relationships, communicating with savvy and finesse and handling sensitive issues—and people—with tact and diplomacy.
How You Will Benefit

* Communicate more effectively with senior executives, your colleagues and clients
* Flex your communication style to better match your organization’s culture
* Handle office politics and turf wars effectively and gracefully
* Increase your comfort zone, handle the social and protocol aspects of business at an executive level

What You Will Cover

* Building a foundation of influence and credibility to handle situations with discretion and authority
* Identifying and building on your communication strengths
* Communicating strategically and employing diplomacy
* Handling sensitive information and delicate situations with tact
* Conducting international business and communicating effectively across global boundaries
* Effective communications for the electronic age

Who Should Attend

Senior administrative professionals including those who assist CEOs, COOs, CIOs, chairmen, presidents, vice presidents and directors.
Extended Training Description

Learning Objectives

* Communicate More Effectively with Senior Executives, Your Colleagues and Clients
* Flex Your Communication Style to Better Match Your Organization’s Culture
* Handle Office Politics and Turf Wars Effectively and Gracefully
* Increase Your Comfort Zone, Handle the Social and Protocol Aspects of Business at an Executive Level

Why We Need Advanced Communication Skills

* Examine the Significance and Benefits of Communication Skills in the Workplace
* Identify Communication Roles and Skills Required
* Identify and Define Effective Communication from an Organizational Standpoint

Building a Foundation of Credibility and Influence

* Identify Sources of Professional Influence
* Evaluate Personal Communication Styles and How Personality Traits Impact Perception
* Learn to Apply an Indirect Communication Approach Strategically in Order to Build Influence

Delivering with Discretion and Tact

* Manage Informal Networks in Order to Leverage Information While Maintaining Confidentiality
* Adopt Communication Techniques in Order to Confront Difficult Situations Successfully, with Discretion and Tact
* Apply an Understanding of Personal Motivators for Insight into Hidden Communication Goals
* Respond to Emotional Conversations Appropriately and with Composure

Social Finesse: Mastering Business Protocol and Etiquette

* Identify and Adopt Those Business Courtesies That Reflect an Executive Presence
* Initiate and Facilitate Social Interactions in a Business Environment Comfortably and Successfully
* Develop a Professional Image Reflective of the Senior Administrative Professional’s Position

Communicating with Impact

* Acquire Communication Techniques for Speaking Directly and Confidently
* Identify and Adapt to Differences in Communication Styles and Preferences
* Structure and Present Ideas Persuasively So as to Boost Retention and Support

Strategically Employing Diplomacy and Savvy

* Understand and Apply Diplomacy and Negotiation Methods to Obtain Better Results from Others and Gain Agreement
* Address Conflict and Adopt an Approach for More Productive Resolution to Disagreements
* Understand How the Dynamics of Territoriality, Office Politics, and Perceived Threat Affect Outcomes and Relationships at Work
* Define the Parameters of Ethical Behavior When Taking a Stand on Issues

Understanding Global and Multicultural Communications

* Apply an Understanding Context to Cultural Differences in Order to Facilitate International Communications
* Identify Cultural Dynamics That Might Impact Communication in Order to Avoid Faux Pas

Putting It All Together

* Create an Action Plan for Enhancing Communication Performance

Official Website:

Added by training.focus on March 31, 2009

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