100 Training Hill Rd
Middletown, Connecticut 06457

The Middletown's Common Ground International Film Festival (September 24th-November 5th) continues with a screening of Offside, an Iranian film directed by Jafar Panahi.

"Several girls find themselves arrested after posing as boys to sneak into a soccer stadium to see a key international qualifying match. It's illegal for Iranian women to attend sports events, so the gate-crashers end up in a holding pen waiting for authorities. But a sympathetic guard watching through a peephole describes the action for the girls, who are eager to know what's happening in the game."

Each screening begins promptly at 7:00 p.m. and is followed by a scholarly discussion of the film’s cultural and societal themes. The venues are handicapped accessible and offer plenty of free parking. All events are free and refreshments reflecting each film’s heritage will be served.

Added by stephanieelliott49 on August 12, 2009

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