1011 6 Ave SW
Calgary, Alberta

In 1989, over a million students and workers demonstrated peacefully in Tiananmen Square in Beijing to protest against the corruption and dictatorship. On June 4, the movement was violently crashed by tanks and machine guns. Thousands killed.

We will be holding a rally in front of the Chinese Consulate in Calgary at 4pm-5pm on June 4 (Fri) to demand Chinese Government to redress Tiananmen Square Massacre, to respect human rights and to establish democracy.

Everyone is welcomed to participate.

Movement for Democracy in China (Tom / Paul)
Tel# (403) 274-9018 Fax 274-7537
Box 714 Station M, Calgary AB T2P-2J6
Email: demo8964@hotmail.com

Added by yyy60 on June 2, 2010

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