Bumbershoot Arts Festival, Leo K. Theatre
Megan Kelso
After graduating from Evergreen State College, Kelso joined the burgeoning Seattle cartoonist scene. In 1993, she became the first woman to receive a Xeric grant for her self-published comic, Girlhero. She has since published two more books and is currently working on a graphic novel and a serialized story running in The New York Times Magazine.
Kim Deitch
Deitch is widely regarded as one of the best cartoonists of his generation. A seminal figure in the Underground Comix movement in the 1960s, his work has since appeared in many publications including Raw, L.A. Weekly, Weirdo, Heavy Metal and Nickelodeon magazine that featured his beloved Southern Fried Fugitives.
Gary Groth
Groth is Editor of The Comics Journal and co-founder of Fantagraphics Books.
Official Website: http://www.bumbershoot.org/lineup/comix-all-stars
Added by EricReynolds on August 15, 2007