If you've never been to a COMICIDE make this your first.. because it could be the last (for this year)
Sydney's best alternative comedy night is back after a 3 week hiatus.
This show is going to be packed to the brim with The Funny and Special Guests!
STARING: The musical styings of Smart Casual, the man with the dominant claw; Jordan Raskopoulos and The Real SBS voice over guy; Robby McGregor.
Also the regular gang of fools including
Dan Ilic, AJ Tennant, Toby Truslove, Cale Bain, Janis McGavin, Sophie Brossard, Steen Raskopoulos, Debbie Walker, Yvette Lia, Jon Williams, Killian David and Patrick Magee.
Not to mention the banging beats of the worlds greatest DJ. Tom Lowndes will be spinning and scratching his way to hilarity.
Added by RangerDan on November 7, 2007