1200 Sansom Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107


Comic Energy, Philly's award winning and first sketch comedy troupe brings the Comedy Revolution to The Prime Lounge!!

“Okay, wise guy. Exactly what is the Comedy Revolution?”

Good question. Comic Energy is the delivery vehicle and if you’ve laughed at all in the past year you might have seen or heard them around Philadelphia. It’s two solid hours of sketch comedy, standup, improv, comedy film shorts, musical comedy and more that they choose not to reveal at this moment in time.
One thing is certain. There is a brand, spanking new show each and every Monday, primed and loaded just for you to come laugh at it. This is a crowd driven performance and more than once an audience member finds themselves on stage as part of the spectacle.

Every Monday Night at 9pm!

Second Floor of Finn McCools 1200 Sansom

Sketch-Improv-Standup-Music-and Video Comedy all in one live performance!!

Only a $5 cover


Official Website: http://www.comicenergy.com

Added by comicenergy on January 16, 2009