Three of the Bay Area's most deeply underground and thought-provoking comedians band together for a unique stand-up comedy show which promises to be an evening filled with biting political and social commentary that will attack all points along the spectrum from the rightest right to the leftest left.
Laughter Against the Machine brings a comedic peacekeeping mission to the most polarized quagmires in the US, the flashpoints of American ignorance and upheaval. Succeed or fail, they’ll also be catching it all on video for an unconventional tour documentary. Like Doctors Without Borders, but with jokes instead of penicillin, LATM roams the country bringing humor to the people who need it the most.
Laughter Against The Machine is an issue-oriented comedy show performing since 2008 where the comedians and the audience to expect to be challenged to laugh and think at the same time. It’s a comedy show with no preconceived expectations, no party lines, and certainly no cheerleading, because they have beef with everybody, including themselves.
Official Website:
Added by Georges Nightclub on November 5, 2011