8162 Melrose Ave
Los Angeles, California 90046

Eric Nigg & Mitch Hansen have been saying a lot of wussy things about you. They're the undefeated Hosts of Comedy vs. You, and they dare you to come to their next show. They don't fight fair either, they've brought the best comedians and funniest films from across the nation to attack you with. Its not only a solid night of fresh comedy its also a great cheap night out and you'll never know what famous comedians will show up!

Sculpting their specific brand of comedy since daycare, Eric and Mitch have had their short films selected to screen at the Cannes Film Festival two years in a row. Their individual perceptions of the world are very different, and their interactions with each other show that. What they have in common: confusion and blind optimism.

Sure, your a civilized individual. But then again... are you chicken?

Added by eric_nigg on August 8, 2010