harvardsf.com and RaptorHead, LLC jointly present Comedy for the Community, a Harvard SF Comedy and Fund-raising Event!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Come at 7 p.m. to meet up with your fellow alums; Show starts at 8 p.m.
The SF Comedy Club at 50 Mason Lounge
Tickets are $20 (see below for details)
What do you get when you combine the influence of a major university, the most dismal of winter months and a good cause? COMEDY, of course.
Join the harvardsf.com alumni/ae of the San Francisco Bay Area and the best comics in the Bay, Betsy Salkind, Aundre the Wonder Woman, Christine Gelat and Denise Robichau, in a night of outrageous comedy. The show promises to be full of good laughs and good feelings with all proceeds going to benefit three great charities helping SF's at-risk youth. Come for the laughs and feel good about helping:
Covenant House of California (www.covenanthouseca.org)
Larkin Street Youth (www.larkinstreetyouth.org)
Real Options for City Kids (ROCK) (www.rocksf.org)
The SF Comedy Club
50 Mason Street (between Market and Eddy)
San Francisco, CA 94102
"The home of underground comedy in San Francisco." SF Chronicle
"Best place to enjoy comics for the cost of a movie ticket." SF Guardian
Info/Reservations: (415) 398-4129 or www.50masonlounge.com
Tickets are $20, reservations are recommended. All proceeds (admission fees and corporate sponsorships) will go directly to the three organizations listed.
Added by dee-rob.com on February 20, 2006