Five professional comedians: Suzanne Willett, Mary Tischbein, Robin Savage, Michael Murillo and Joe Riga will take the stage. Willett is an off-Broadway playwright whose solo shows, PAIN and the Feminazi, toured both the US and Canada. She has worked with JJ Walker and Billy Ghardell. Tischbein is the winner of the Sarasota division of Florida’s Funniest Comedian and was recently seen at Gilda Radner’s Laugh Fest.
Suggested Donation: $10
The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay provides sexual assault forensic exams for victims of rape in Hillsborough County, ages 13 through adult, both male and female, 120 hours post assault. Services are free to any victim of rape regardless if a crime report is made to law enforcement or not. The Crisis Center prides itself on providing client centered best practice services.
Added by Silver Glass Productions on April 10, 2012