Sekforde Street
London, England EC1R 0HA

Speaker: Paul Sturges, University of Loughborough

Paul has long been fascinated by the implications of freedom of expression for libraries - in particular censorship issues related to the stocking of potentially inflammatory material such as The Satanic Verses, Brick Lane or the infamous Danish cartoons.

He will base his talk on an innovative study aimed at developing an understanding of information provision from how content and practice are used in comedy. For his research Paul has observed and interviewed stand-up comedians to discover how they handle controversial information.

Paul Sturges has published widely on areas such as intellectual freedom, privacy and library management, with a strong emphasis on the developing world and Africa in particular. He is Professor Emeritus, University of Loughborough University's Dept of Information Science and Professor Extraordinary, University of Pretoria.

Warning: the talk will contain jokes - some of them very bad.

This talk will be of particular value to anyone registered for CILIP Chartership and can contribute towards CPD requirements.

CILIP in London evening meetings are free and open to all with a professional interest in the topic. Refreshments will be available afterwards. As space is limited, please let us know if you are coming:
contact It would be helpful to tell us how you found out about the event.

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Added by tomroper on August 27, 2009

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