11 west 31st
NEW YORK, New York 10001

We will be hosting the night with our special Thanksgiving Prix-Fixe menu as well as the regular dinner menu.

Starts 5pm

Prix-Fixe Dinner Menu: $45

(including a glass of "Sauvignon Blanc or Shiraz)

1st course
Choice of
Rocket Arugula Salad or Goatcheese Brulee

2nd course
Suculent Herb Roasted Turkey Breast served with chestnut stuffing & gravy. Accompanied by whole cranberry sauce, candied yams or parsnip mashed potatoes & roasted vegetable medley.

3rd Course
Traditional pumpkin pie accompanied by Ayza's signature eggnog.

Note: 18% gratuity and tax will be added to your check.

Official Website: http://www.ayzanyc.com

Added by kileyclem on November 13, 2008



romantic dinner at the ayza wine and chocolate bar at thanksgiving day.