700 Macleod Trail South
Calgary, Alberta

Come show your support to City Council for a Living Wage policy!

On March 11, 2009 a Calgary City Council Committee will vote on whether or not The City of Calgary should adopt a Living Wage Policy.

A Calgarian working full time needs to make a minimum of $12 per hour plus benefits (or $13.25 an hour in lieu of benefits) to earn a Living Wage.

In 2007, 680 City employees earned less than a Living Wage. Paying all City employees and contract service staff a Living Wage positions The City of Calgary as a leader and a model for other employers to follow.

You will make a difference towards reducing poverty in our city by supporting the development of a policy to ensure both City of Calgary staff and service contractors get a Living Wage that keeps them over the poverty line.

With only FOUR DAYS to Council’s vote on a Living Wage Policy, hardworking low-income Calgarians need your support more than ever.

EMAIL, PHONE or FAX your Alderman and the Mayor and tell them that you support a Living Wage. The Aldermen and Mayor’s contact information is available at


You can also SHOW YOUR SUPPORT by attending/presenting to Calgary City Council at 9:30 a.m. on March 11th in the Engineering Traditions Room of City Hall.

When: Wednesday, March 11th at 9:30 a.m.
Where: City Hall*, 700 Macleod Trail South - Engineering Traditions Committee Room (First Floor)

*City Hall is the old sandstone building, beside the blue glass municipal building

Which Alderman will be present?

Members of the FCS Standing Policy Committee are:
Alderman Gord Lowe (Chair)
Alderman Ric McIver (Vice-chair)
Alderman Joe Ceci
Alderman Andre Chabot
Alderman Linda Fox-Mellway
Alderman Dale Hodges
Alderman Ray Jones
However, any alderman can declare an interest and attend an SPC

***For more information about Living Wage and/or presenting at the SPC please go to www.vibrantcalgary.com and direct emails to info@vibrantcalgary.com***

Official Website: http://www.vibrantcalgary.com

Added by codytorgerson on March 9, 2009

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