The formation of Come in 1990 was a happy time indeed. Wise rock lovers had long before learned that singer/guitarist Thalia Zedek could do no wrong. Fellow guitarist Chris Brokaw had been the drummer for Codeine, whose Frigid Stars LP still ranks among Sub Pop's best. Come's genius has not been overlooked by the press. A small sampling: Rolling Stone: "Music you won't soon forget." Option: "Impossibly original." Entertainment Weekly: "Captivating...enthralling." Musician: "A revelation." Spin: "Ferocious." NME: "Staggering." The Boston Phoenix's Matt Ashare once said, "anger and beauty, hope and sadness, fear and transcendence--that's just some of the terrain that Come have covered in the course of an album, a song, or even just a riff." Indeed, even a section of a Come song speaks volumes. They are fearless, timeless, and classic.
Riot Now!, Eleventh Dream Day's 10th album (Thrill Jockey), is a call back to the urgency of 1988's Prairie School Freakout, with a string of mostly first takes tracked in one session with few overdubs. Rick Rizzo, Janet Beveridge Bean, Douglas McCombs and Mark Greenberg revel in their own mixture of melodic mayhem. Jason Ankeny described Eleventh Dream Day as 'one of the most resilient and criminally underappreciated bands to rise from the Midwestern underground community. The career of the noisy guitar unit is a textbook study in alt-rock endurance; despite a nightmarish major-label tenure, ill-timed roster changes, and commercial indifference, the group persevered, and emerged as elder statesmen of the Chicago independent scene." Eleventh Dream Day are a band who make music because they are compelled to. Their motivation is as pure as it was when they began. They have something to say and they need to say it. The band are true to the ethos of the punk rock that inspired them. There can be no more perfect final nail in the coffin of those who still believe rock is the exclusive domain of youth.
"a rockin' slab of cosmic country boogie that makes Commander Cody sound like Brad Paisley. It's dense, fuzzy, and dripping in an ominously psychedelic reverb" -Village Voice
Added by Upcoming Robot on December 29, 2010