1187 Franklin Street
San Francisco, California 94109

The Community Kickoff for DisabledCommunity.Org has been rescheduled for Friday, February 15, 2008 from
2-4 p.m. and will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church and Center, at 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA, 94109; the Van Ness bus -- #47 takes you within 2 blocks of the event.

DisabledCommunity.Org (DCO) is a clearinghouse of disability resources and information designed to help improve the quality of life for people with disabilities their friends, caregivers and social service agencies.

The event is free with a reservation. After a brief introduction to DCO's values and goals, and an introduction from attendees, ice cream sundaes will be served.
Over 65 people had placed reservations for the last event, which we unfortunately had to cancel because of the stormy weather. Agencies who had planned to send representatives where:

Bridges from School to Work – Marriot Foundation
California Telephone Access Program
Craigslist Volunteers
Department of Rehabilitation
Department of Veterans Affairs
Idriss Stelley Foundation
Improving Transition Outcomes Project – Interagency Council
International Hostel
Independent Living Resource Center
Jewish Family and Children’s Services
Jewish Vocational Services
Laguna Honda
Legal Assistance to the Elderly
Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly
Mayor’s Disability Council
MHONA International
Protection and Advocacy Inc.
Planning for Elders in the Central City
Rebuilding Together
Stanford Assistive Technology Class
Support for Families of Children with Disabilities
The ARC of San Francisco
Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Council
Volunteer Match Volunteers
Workability IV program Cal State University East Bay

Please reserve by contacting me at 415-665-8641 or at admin@disabledcommunity.org. Leave your name, phone number, email address and/or US mailing address.
If you do not want your email address to be added to our news update list, please let me know.

Lori B. Guidos
Executive Director
or 415-665-8641

Official Website: http://www.disabledcommunity.org

Added by loriguidos on January 26, 2008



The text makes it sound like it was 2/15 but perhaps through an upcoming interface glitch (I've had similar issues) the date was mis-entered here as 2/26.