330 E. Liberty
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

A Marketing Roundtable Event
David Martel, Director of Media Services, re:group, inc.

Michal Lorenc, Online Sales and Operations Manager, Google, Inc.
Meagan L. Darlington, Midwest Regional Sales Manager, Comcast Spotlight Online
Matt Sharp, Publisher, Michigan Business Review

Online advertiser media expenditures are increasing at incredible rates. However, online expenditures still represent less than 7% of all advertiser dollars spent in media. Some of the most effective media strategies come from carefully combining traditional and non-traditional media options and understanding the role of each medium. Participate in this roundtable discussion and learn about what mediums are best along various points in the customer journey; those that can build a brand, those that engage and encourage interaction, and those that ultimately close the deal. This panel of industry experts has experience with a wide range of media options and looks forward to your questions.

Official Website: http://www.annarborspark.org/events/event-calendar/Index.cfm?i=2443

Added by HeleneG on March 28, 2008

Interested 2