58 N 3rd St
New York City (Williamsburg, Brooklyn), New York

Comandante Zero w/ 0H10M1ke
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
58 N 3rd St (btw. Kent & Wythe)
Brooklyn, NY- (L Train to Bedford)

Email: inbox0h10m1ke@yahoo.com
Music: www.myspace.com/comandantezero
Art: www.0h10m1ke.com
Brooklyn electro/funk duo Comandante Zero and Brooklyn based artist/illustrator 0H10M1ke will merge dance groove and electronic music with illustration in a "LiveDraw Event." Each song will be illustrated in real time on a wacom digital tablet and projected onto four screens surrounding the audience members, who themselves will become spontaeous canvasses.

Comandante Zero is bass player/vocalist Dan Freeman and drummer/choreographer Ken White.

Arthur Kremer of Brooklyn's Stellastarr* will also perform a DJ set.

Official Website: http://myspace.com/comandantezero

Added by 0H10M1ke on August 18, 2008

Interested 1