The groundbreaking, category-shattering string trio Time for Three comes to Chautauqua Auditorium to perform the Colorado premiere of Chris Brubeck’s Concerto for Two Violins and String Bass. The ensemble transcends traditional classification, with elements of classical, country-western, gypsy and jazz idioms forming a blend all its own. The members—Zach De Pue and Nick Kendall, violins; and Ranaan Meyer, double bass—carry a passion for improvisation, composing and arranging, all prime elements of the ensemble's playing. This trio puts a unique stamp on traditional repertoire such that the late Paul Newman claimed, “To hear these three young guys is to be thankful that music was invented.” Also on the program are Gershwin’s An American in Paris and another Colorado premiere, Blue Symphony, composed by acclaimed jazz trumpeter Wynton Marsalis.
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Added by dancegrl42 on March 16, 2010