The ColoradoAutism Commission
Public Hearing
Welcome and Introductions
Purposes of Testimony
Hearing Procedures
Those wanting to speak must sign in. You will speak in the order listed on the sign up sheet
The Autism Commission values input from every stakeholder in the autism community, and recognizes the importance of providing a variety opportunities for everyone to have a chance to be heard.
In an effort to provide more diverse and accessible opportunities the Commission will accept testimony in person at hearings across the state, in written form and online.
All interested parties are encouraged to express their concerns, input and experiences, in addition to making suggestions of what needs improvement and what works in Colorados Service System and how its impacting those with Autism and their families
All testimonyshouldbe submitted in writing, even if you are planningto present verbal testimony.
Mail, fax or bring written testimony by downloading Testimony Form Here
Submit Online Testimony Here
Because of limits of time, each person is requested to speak forno longer than three (3) minutes. Accordingly, please highlight the most important or urgent elements of what you have or will submit in writing
Contact Information:
o Testimony:
Mailing Address:ColoradoAutism Commission
PBM 538
9249 S. Broadway #200
Phone/Fax: 720-306-8038
Website URL:
Testimony URL:
NOTE: For questions or directions for the hearing on Friday April 17, 2009 please email:
andreaayala@skybeam.com or call 719.482.8051
Organized by Colorado Autism CommissionColoradoAutism CommissionMission:
To develop and promote a 10 year strategic plan to integrate, coordinate, and expand services for all Coloradans affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Ticket Info: CO Autism Commission Hearing 4/17/09 Trinidad, Free
Official Website: http://coautism417-upcoming.eventbrite.com