1500 Old Towne Rd
Charleston, South Carolina 29407

The days are getting shorter and colder. The hardwoods are shedding their leaves and the growing season has reached its end. Will Charles Towne survive through the winter? Will there be enough food and resources? Come and see for yourself. This living history event will not only showcase some of the professional trades that helped support the fledgling colony, but will also focus on other daily-life chores and activities that were essential to the survival and success of Charles Towne. Visitors will get a sense of what life was like in the early settlement as they interact with costumed interpreters and craftspeople at stations inside the fortified area. Experiences will include colonial foodways, deerskin processing, land surveying, black powder demonstrations, indigo dyeing, cloth weaving, and pottery making.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 8, 2010