2980 Cobb Parkway, Suite 104
Atlanta, Georgia 30339

Come to learn Collegiate Shag and stay for hours of Swing dancing!

Collegiate Shag is a bouncy, exciting Swing Era dance and lots of fun!

Whether you're new to Swing dancing or a seasoned veteran, Shag is
a great 6-count dance that can be done on its own or as a compliment
to East Coast Swing or Lindy Hop.

Note: Collegiate Shag is very different from Carolina Shag, and predates
it by decades.

Video of vintage and modern Collegiate Shag:
http://bit.ly/collegiate-shag-1 (It gets really awesome at 0:38).

All The Cats Join In - Disney/Goodman (1946):
http://bit.ly/all-the-cats-join-in (Collegiate Shag starts at 3:20 and 3:40,
but the clip is so sweet you should just watch the whole thing).

Ongoing: Collegiate Shag 101 (Thursdays, October 8 - 29) :

8:30 - 9:30 Lesson.
9:30 - 12:00 Dancing.

RSVP on Facebook: http://bit.ly/collegiate-shag-facebook-event-1

Location: Academy Ballroom Cumberland (Across the street from Chick-fil-A)
2980 Cobb Parkway, Suite 104
Atlanta, GA 30339

See you out dancing!
The Swing Soulstice team

Official Website: http://bit.ly/collegiate-shag-facebook-event-1

Added by bbthom on October 4, 2009