The Group Rep presents Don Margulies’ “Collected Stories”, directed by Sherry Netherland, produced by Alex Parker for the Group Rep. This provocative, taut two-character play is about a renowned short story writer who mentors graduate students. Her relationship with her assistant and most promising student goes beyond mentor/pupil to best friend and confidant. After six years, the student turns competitor and publishes her own work of fiction…or is it? October 12 through November 10. Talk-back Oct. 21 after show. Friday and Saturday at 8pm. Sunday at 2pm. Admission: $22; Seniors/Students: $17; Groups 10+: $15. Buy tix: or (818) 763-5990.
Cast: Liza de Weerd (LA & NY Fringe Festivals: Pulp Shakespeare) and Julia Silverman (GRT: The Paris Letter; ITC: A Shayna Maidel)
Added by nohonora on September 24, 2012