2100 NW Glisan
Portland, Oregon 97210

Collaborative Ingenuity is a free for all forum that lets everyone come to work on any project of his/her choosing that day—with an underwritten agreement that each participant must agree to help everyone to the best of their ability.

While this concept is comparable to co-working, the fact that we have everybody from graphic designer, web developer to account planner (we're looking for more diversity) means that everyone will benefit from having feedbacks from folks who are experts in other things. So the designer's print ad will benefit from the planner's research ability, the planner's website analysis would benefit from the developer's expertise, etc.

Collaborative Ingenuity relies on the fact that new ideas are always born, and sparks always fly when different fields of knowledge intersect and help each other.

Added by Bram Pitoyo on February 3, 2008


C W Brubaker

Hi all,

I'm Cory, founder of Collaborative Ingenuity. I'd like to invite any and all creatives, big and small, to come out on Saturday. CI is a laid back bunch that get together on the weekends to lend a hand, positive word of encouragement or sarcastic and witty banter as we work towards mutual enrichment of the creative process through peer collaboration.

We're completely informal and require no specific dress attire. We only ask that you shower prior to your visit with us and come with a positive attitude and willingness to play well with others. If you bring candy we encourage sharing. ;)

See you Saturday. Look for me sitting with a 12 ounce Americano and my wicked awesome foe-hawk.

"Good night, and good luck." Edward R. Murrow