GreenTech Media Research released an exhaustive report of the developing Smart Grid industry in July 2009. Of special interest to alliance professionals is the report's evaluation of the developing Smart Grid ecosystem and their conclusion that partnering is essential if this ears is to grow and develop.
Join us and learn how the ecosystem of Smart Grid players will partner and collaborate to transform and prepare our energy infrastructure for the 21st century.
At this event, you'll hear from a panel of experts who will address fundamental issues, such as:
**What is the Smart Grid and why does it rely on partnerships?
**What roles do traditional industries, such as Semiconductor, IT and Telecom play?
**How are traditional utilities partnering for success?
**What is the governmental role in these partnerships?
**What can a study of the Smart Grid rollout teach you about best practices in collaboration and partnerships?
Eric Wesoff, Senior Analyst, GreenTech Media
John Skinner, Director of Marketing, Eco-Technology, Intel Corp.
Rick Geiger, Director Business Solutions - Energy, Cisco
James F. Andrus, Vice President - Americas Networked Energy Services, Echelon
Craig Rodine, Senior Technical Consultant to EPRI's Intelligrid Program
Wednesday, Dec 2, 2009
5:30 - 6:45 p.m. Networking, Happy Hour
6:45 - 8:30 p.m. Panel & Discussion
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 25, 2009