"His songwriting is strong, and his voice conveys more years than he has lived..." -Billboard
Colin O'Brien is a prolific nationally touring performer and recording artist. For the past 15 years he’s traveled the country performing at concert halls, music rooms, festivals and house concerts. In a single performance Colin dances dazzling foot percussion while playing his heart out on fiddle and banjo. Then, taking a seat, he plays some of the most beautiful, soulful guitar music this side of mars. It’s as though Colin is several musicians in one body!
Colin O'Brien is a musical force of nature. Be prepared to be entertained and amazed!
Suggested donation is $10 per person. Bring a desert to share. Drinks and pub dinner menu available for purchase from the Zal Gaz Grotto Club.
Added by robertblackburn_2000 on March 16, 2011