Come & join a walk around the two newly
opened public footpaths. Bring along a picnic for a rest stop
and story circle, enjoying glorious views over the
valley and the village.
Meet at School House, Coffinswell, stout footwear advised. Cream, teas
will be served in the church at the end of the walk, yummy!
Other Spring Fayre events are:
June 3rd The Joni Mitchell Project live 7.30pm tickets £9
June 12th: Spring Fayre 2pm-5pm
Sunflower growing competition (sponsored by Jack’s Patch)
All money raised goes to the church fabric fund and future village events.
Coffinswell and Daccombe Celebratory Walk is on Sunday June 5th from 2.30pm – 5pm Cream teas in the church 5pm, further info from Graham or Kate 01803 875527
Added by grahamradley on May 25, 2011